An image of Chicago's Daley Plaza, filled with shoes that are spaced evenly representing the dead of Gaza
An image of Chicago's Daley Plaza, filled with shoes that are spaced evenly representing the dead of Gaza

About Us

Mennonite Action emerged in November 2023 among US and Canadian Mennonites distressed by the suffering of the people of Gaza as Israel intensified its siege with both air and ground attacks. Mennonite Action Chicago came together soon after to begin pressing Senators Durbin and Duckworth to stop the US supply of weapons for inflicting this violence.

From the beginning, other followers of Jesus have joined our actions, so we quickly became known on the street as Christians for Ceasefire. Together we call for not just a ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank but also an end to Israel's occupation and the right of return for all Palestinians displaced since 1948. And, of course, we insist that our government stop arming Israel while it is committing atrocities against the Palestinian people and permitting illegal settlements on their land.

We subscribe to the movement principles of Mennonite Action, and we organize in coordination with the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine, which includes local chapters of the US Palestinian Community Network, American Muslims for Palestine, and Students for Justice in Palestine.

This work is demanding and sometimes frustrating. We sorrow constantly over the suffering and loss of countless lives among our Palestinian kin, and we are angry at the US government's complicity in it. But it is also beautiful and engaging work, and we seek to hold each other up, making space for all our emotions and refreshing our souls with singing and prayer.

If you resonate with our values and commitments, you are welcome. Go to our Contact page to message us or to join our email list. The Get Involved page gives you access to a calendar of events. Free Free Palestine! See you on the street!